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International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2022 R.O.C.


2010 Edition

Gold Medal

Kugo, Ikuhiro

The title of my work is trace.Each day limited time passes away at an extremely fast speed.Our perception of time...

Silver Medal

I Know Everything
Republic of Poland
Piech, Joanna

My artworks are made in the technique of linocut and relate to the man in the context of his sensations, feelings...

Bronze Medal

Miyazaki, Fumiko

I make a work under the theme of a person. I want to express human splendor and trashiness by a print and few ...

Special Technical Award

Where do We Come from, Who Are We, Where Are We Going-Woman Ⅹ
Republic of Poland
Nowak, Dorota

A state of suspension between present and future can be a source of hope or fear-extreme emotions we all experience...

Special Judges’ Award

Slovak Republic
Hnat, Milan

My work is full of dreams and visionary symbols to production featuring figurative motives with fictitious narration...

Honorable Mention

Forgotten Letters
Argentine Republic
Esteban, Liliana

The distant landscape exists only because it is a silence that lies at the mystery, when silence that attends....

Honorable Mention

Lost Paradise
Kingdom of Belgium
Besard, Hugo Urbain

It is not nature itself, but the mysterious force behind it, Eros, the love for life, that drives me to trace ...

Honorable Mention

Estructura Mental: Orden Caotico
Republic of Costa Rica
Gutierrez Valladares, Diego

Imaginary architectonic landscapes of overlapped structures and fragments that reflect the construction process...

Honorable Mention

Non-Form- I
Liang, Wan-Chi

The core of my creation is “transformation”. I transformed and restructured the forms of animals and plants based...

Honorable Mention

At Once del Earthquake en Pisco
Republic of Peru
Torres, Luis Antonio

“Alos the same instants of the earthquake” it is a nominal and certain work of the city of grappa in Peru, where...

Nominated Work

Blok 2
Republic of Poland
Bialas, Marcin


Nominated Work

Republic of Poland
Dabrowski, Mateusz

The “Views” are 2 meter long graphics depicts several moving spheres which interfering each other on a few plans...

Nominated Work

Republic of Poland
Haladaj, Wieslaw Slawomir

My works are classical linocut made of one plate, generally I am fascinated by uniqueness of human existence and...

Nominated Work

Museum I
Republic of Poland
Handerek, Grzegorz


Nominated Work

Home – the Natural Sphere
Li, Ping-Yi

Inspires by the idea of being attached to the space of my “House”. I combined my furniture, bonsai, pets and plants...

Nominated Work

Shangri-La's Orchid Island
Lo, Pin-Ho

Blind eyesight is just what it appears to outsiders, bit a blind heart is real blindness. I use Braille to present...

Nominated Work

Kingdom of Thailand
Kondee, Tasana

I relay students’ concept and imagination for school’s rules which effect students’ behavior. I also realize that...

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