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International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2022 R.O.C.


2018 Edition

Special Jury Prize

From the Series 'Secret Labors' (Stage III)
  • From the Series 'Secret Labors' (Stage III)
  • Colombia | Orlando MARTINEZ VESGA
  • From the series “Secret Labors” (Stage III)
    “Everything must be arranged to a hair in a fulminating order.”
    Antonin Artaud, 1947.

    In the third stage of the series “Secret Labors”, meetings of characters end in absurd occurrences. Actions lead to capricious relationships. The picture develops as a list of little riddles and we move in the field of possibilities: the right balance between the figures and the gesture of drawing, weight of bodies and lightness of exercise activity, the joke of throwing something and the danger feeling of being hit. Each one arranged to the right place. Do we contemplate a result of an arduous trial to find a privileged moment? Or, rather, Do we attend a sort of permanent exercise already learned that is repeated over and over again? Suddenly we realize that time has stopped and it is evident that the characters that are part of the composition contemplate each other. The picture contains an invitation to look too, to stop and discover what happens: to evoke memories, to think about what we can do or to let ourselves be surprised by what it could become real.
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