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International Biennial Print Exhibit: 2022 R.O.C.


Merit Prize

( Click to enlarge view work )
  • Germany | Tina WOHLFARTH
  • The mezzotint work is my most important approach in printmaking. I‘m a representational artist. Humans, either specific or anonymous take in my work center stage and are often represented as monochromatic portraits. The viewers often are first attracted by the aesthetic qualities. Afterwards the details and deeper meaning of the piece become clear. It is not just for the sake of aesthetics, but about the second look at the sometimes disturbing moment behind it and also about the search for meaning. I also appreciate is the illusion of being transparent and the character of an X-ray image. In addition to the mezzotint I insert a new image plane by embossing and cutting the paper. The goal is a new aesthetic and spatial dimension, in which color is created where there is no physical one - through light and shadow only.
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